About EOxMaps for Hemav

EOxMaps for Hemav are background and overlay maps provided by EOX for usage by Hemav

These maps are made of Open Data and designed and hosted by EOX. They can be accessed via the standardized web services WMTS and WMS.

Note that usage is currently reserved to map clients operated by Hemav.

The following maps are available:

All maps are provided as WMTS and WMS layers in simple longlat projection also known as WGS84 or EPSG:4326 or pseudo-mercator projection also known as Google projection, EPSG:3857, or EPSG:900913.

Try out the interactive demo at the top of this page to explore the available data or proceed to the next section to find out how to use the maps in your application.

EOxMaps Usage

In order to use the maps in your application you first need the approval from the Hemav responsible.

The maps can easily be embedded using some html and javascript code like shown here which gives this. Of course you can include the provided WMTS or WMS layers directly in your client using the following details.

Don't forget that proper attribution is required for any usage. Please use the attribution as given above including the respective links e.g. Sentinel-2 cloudless - https://s2maps.eu by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023)

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

EOX guarantees include the following.

The initial minimum subscription period is 12 months. After this minimum period, the subscription can be canceled to the end of each month with thirty days advance notice by both sides.


The following datasets are used to generate EOxMaps. Note that most of these datasets are Open Data. The layers for which the dataset is used are indicated in brackets.

The rendering is © EOX [Sentinel-2 cloudless, OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Bright overlay] and MapServer [OpenStreetMap, Overlay, Bright overlay].



Do you have any questions? Do you need more information? Feel free to contact us anytime.

EOX IT Services GmbH
Thurngasse 8/4
1090 Wien
Stephan Meißl
+43 664 9688701